
70% of companies are victims of shoplifting

70% of companies are victims of shoplifting

Confcommercio. The number of companies that have been victims of shoplifting in recent years is growing, especially in southern Italy. Furthermore, companies' ability to counter it is decreasing.

On the occasion of Confcommercio's national mobilization day "Legality, I like it" which was held on November 25th, a focus was created on the shoplifting episodes of which retail trade companies are victims. 30% of companies report an increase in theft cases (+2.4% compared to 2014), in particular in the Center (+3.8%) and in the South (+4.1%); only 38.9% of traders declare that they have managed to prevent these situations, sometimes managing to catch the thief red-handed (-18.1% compared to 2014); 48.3% of companies have equipped themselves with anti-theft measures and 32.7% spend around 2/3% of their revenues on security systems.


Statistics identify the highest percentage of perpetrators in women (54.5%), between 35 and 54 years of age (56%). Furthermore, the number of shoplifters of Italian nationality increased by 16% (compared to 2014). The phenomenon is more widespread in large shopping centers (84.6%), in organized distribution (75.2%) and in shops in metropolitan areas (69%).


Of the 48.3% of companies that have taken security measures regarding the issue, 55.3% have adopted video surveillance devices. 21.1% invested in specific courses for staff while 11.8% hired unarmed security personnel (armed in 6.6% of cases). Finally, three out of five companies invest in anti-shoplifting security equipment.


Queste statistiche si rivelano allarmanti e richiedono una valutazione riguardo a quali siano i migliori strumenti per fronteggiare tale problema. L’investimento in soluzioni anti-furto diviene sempre più importante per la salvaguardia delle nostra attività. Per questo Remiro vi offre soluzioni di sicurezza specifiche per i vostri negozi. Contattateci per fissare un appuntamento senza impegno e dire così addio ai furti nella vostra attività commerciale.


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